High quality soundproofing membranes and barriers

Welcome to our range of soundproofing membranes and barriers specifically designed for timber builds. Our membranes and barriers have been designed and fully tested to ensure they deliver optimal soundproofing performance, with each offering differing benefits.

We offer market leading products like the Rothoblaas Vaporvlies, Traspir and Clima Adapt membranes, all with different levels of soundproofing, alongside other high-performance membranes and barriers. 

Browse our range to the best soundproofing membranes and barriers.

How do acoustic membranes and barriers work in timber buildings?

Acoustic membranes and barriers are materials designed to absorb sound waves in timber buildings. They work by blocking the transmission of sound waves between two spaces, usually between rooms in a building. Acoustic membranes and barriers are typically made of porous materials, such as foam rubber, mineral wool, or glass wool, that absorb sound waves. 

They are usually installed between two timber walls or between ceilings and walls, and can reduce sound transmission by up to 50 dB. Acoustic membranes and barriers can also be used to reduce noise from outside the building, such as traffic noise.

What are the benefits of acoustic membranes and barriers?

Acoustic membranes and barriers in timber buildings provide a range of benefits. By absorbing sound and dampening vibrations, they can reduce sound transmission through walls, floors and ceilings, making buildings more comfortable and peaceful. They can also be used to create sound-proof rooms, such as recording studios or music practice areas. 

In addition, acoustic membranes and barriers can improve the energy efficiency of buildings, as they reduce the amount of energy used to heat and cool them. Finally, acoustic membranes and barriers can improve the safety of timber buildings, as they can reduce the risk of fire spreading from room to room.

What to consider when choosing soundproof membranes and barriers for your timber structure?

When choosing soundproof membranes and barriers for your timber structure, there are several factors to consider. 

First, the type of timber structure should be taken into account as different types of timber structures may require different types of soundproofing. The size of the timber structure should be considered, as this will dictate the amount of soundproofing needed. 

Additionally, the environment the timber structure is in should be considered; if the environment is noisy, more soundproofing is likely needed. Finally, the budget should be taken into consideration as some soundproofing solutions are more expensive than others.

Need advice on your soundproofing project?

Our team of experts are ready to assist you with any questions or guidance you may need regarding soundproofing solutions for your timber construction. They can provide personalised advice tailored to your specific soundproofing needs. Whenever you're ready to delve deeper into the possibilities, feel free to reach out to us.